Interview with a former carder: "You have to be the last fool to steal on the Internet instead of earning much more on it"

Carding 4 Carders

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SecureNews offers its readers an interview with Belarusian Sergey Pavlovich - one of the most famous carders in the CIS.

In 2004-2009, the Belarusian authorities brought him to trial three times for cybercrimes. In total, he was supposed to spend 16 years in prison, but after 10 years he was released early.

In 2008, Sergei Pavlovich became one of the defendants in the case of "the largest theft of personal data in the history of the United States," which resulted in the theft of more than $ 1 billion. For participating in this operation, he faces life imprisonment in an American prison.

While in prison, Sergei wrote the book How I Stole a Million. Confessions of a repentant carder. " In his book, the author urged not to repeat his mistakes and stay away from the cybercriminal world.

Why did you decide to become a carder? Did you come to realize that you are engaged in illegal activities gradually, or did you understand this from the very beginning?

It happened, one might say, by chance: I somehow, while still a schoolboy, came across the website of "Computer newspaper", on the bulletin board of which, among the mountains of all modern electronics sold (bought mainly, as it later turned out, for stolen credit cards) I found ads about the sale of credit card numbers (in slang we called them "CC", from the English - "credit card"). I quickly realized that I could try to buy something in an online store for such a credit card, I did it, and then it went.

Of course, from the very beginning I understood that it was illegal, so I took certain precautions: the goods were never ordered to postal addresses that had something to do with me, most often they were sent to "drops" - random acquaintances or local drunks, for a couple of bottles ready to receive your goods.

This direction of carding was called "clothing carding" and still exists today.

How can you protect yourself from the actions of carders? Who, in your opinion, is the weakest link in the user-bank-goods / service provider chain? And what serious mistakes are made during transactions with bank cards?

Basic precautions can help prevent attacks on your credit card, such as: set an SMS notification about each transaction with your bank card, set a daily withdrawal limit (for example, no more than $ 200), put a ban on cash withdrawals abroad (because most often the stolen "dump" of your credit card is cashed in another country), do not hand the card into the hands of strangers, for example, let the waiter in the restaurant bring the terminal and make the payment in front of you, and not, as before, the card was taken away somewhere in the back room and there conducted your transaction, and when withdrawing cash from an ATM, you should definitely inspect the ATM for any extraneous overlays that could copy data from the magnetic stripe of your card (the overlay is usually put on the card collector and looks like a completely factory part;this direction of carding is called "skimming" - from the English. skim - to withdraw), and it is better to withdraw cash in general from ATMs installed only in the premises of the banks themselves or in large shopping centers, where it is much more difficult to unnoticeably install a reader. On the Internet, it is worth paying with a card only in trusted stores, data from the sites of which are transmitted via the secure ssl protocol (https). Also, in no case should you write down the PIN code directly on your card: if it is stolen / lost, the attackers will quickly withdraw all the money. Read about other methods of protecting your cards from criminal encroachments in my book.where it is much more difficult to discreetly install a reader. On the Internet, it is worth paying with a card only in trusted stores, data from the sites of which are transmitted via the secure ssl protocol (https). Also, in no case should you write down the PIN code directly on your card: if it is stolen / lost, the attackers will quickly withdraw all the money. Read about other methods of protecting your cards from criminal encroachments in my book.where it is much more difficult to discreetly install a reader. On the Internet, it is worth paying with a card only in trusted stores, data from the sites of which are transmitted via the secure ssl protocol (https). Also, in no case should you write down the PIN code directly on your card: if it is stolen / lost, the attackers will quickly withdraw all the money. Read about other methods of protecting your cards from criminal encroachments in my book.

The weakest link in the chain of transferring banking information is not always the user - very often the bank itself is the culprit (for example, now in one of the Moscow courts a case is being heard when, due to the standard settings of ATMs, instructions for which are on the Internet, criminals were able to set up ATMs for the issuance of money and stole over a billion rubles). In general, the largest leaks of credit card information came from large retail chains such as Walmart - by hacking them, hackers steal millions of customers' credit cards at once (I had about 200 million credit cards in the case). Anything that is built by a person can be hacked, and this is mainly due to the negligence of the banking / trading structures themselves,insecurely protecting their computer networks or using factory default passwords when installing equipment.

How much does modern technology help in carding protection? For example, card chips and 3 DSecure?

Chip cards are much more difficult to crack (this is a fact), but possible. Regarding 3D Secure, the Internet is still full of sites that allow you to make a payment without entering a one-time code that comes in an SMS message, but every year there are fewer such sites. 3D Secure is not a panacea either, since carders can change the phone number associated with your card through the bank's website and order a one-time password for it, but this, of course, is much more complicated. Overall, online payments have become much safer lately. The main thing is to use trusted stores. You also need to be careful when you receive an email message allegedly from the bank's website with a request to update your credit card details, enter its number and PIN code - banks never send such messages, and all of them are "phishing" (fake), while site,where you enter your details may look like the website of your bank.

When did you realize that your chosen life path was wrong?

After I served 8 years in Belarusian prisons (and I spent 10 in total). I realized that I do not want to sit, never, and realize my potential in a criminal direction is wrong. Therefore, immediately after my release, I went into business - in fact, you solve all the same problems as in crime, only you no longer think about where to steal more than anything, but how to bypass competitors and make a service that will make people's lives better, easier, more economical, more secure, and so on. But money is an inevitable consequence of this.

How can black-hat hackers serve the public good?

Of the well-known hackers, he retrained and began to do everything the same, but only legally (by order of the companies themselves to test their computer networks for vulnerabilities), if my memory serves me, only Kevin Mitnick, having founded the company Mitnick Security Consulting. I don't know anyone from the Russians. And the problem here is not only that "the humpbacked grave will fix it", but that our companies / government cannot offer decent salaries, because the monthly earnings of a normal black-hat hacker are tens of thousands of dollars.

The media periodically publish reports about the cooperation of hackers with the authorities of Western countries. Do you know examples of cooperation between hackers and law enforcement officers of Belarus and Russia? If not, what, in your opinion, is the reason for the lack of such cooperation?

Ilya Sachkov (owner of the computer security company Group-IB) said this very well: “The law enforcement agencies of the CIS countries never hire former hackers, because they believe that if a person has tarnished himself at least once, he will continue to engage in illegal activity, so it is better to hire a young man after college with a crystal clear biography. " As practice shows, this is not a panacea either - in the dock we often see high-ranking officers of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs doing the same thing as ordinary hackers. Big money is no small temptation.

If you take me personally, then neither I nor any of my acquaintances, hackers and carders, have ever been offered a job in law enforcement - probably for the above reason. Well, the fact that hackers of Western countries work for the government - there are such cases, the most striking of them (the work of Albert Gonzalez with the US Secret Service) is described in my book, but even in those cases it cannot be called work - most often they "knock" on his own associates, so as not to thunder in the dock himself.

After your release from prison, did you have an idea to work in the field of information security?

No, it was not, because, first of all, I am not a "techie". I am a generator of ideas, as I call myself, an "architect of ideas", so I am interested in building a business. Sitting at the computer for days, catching the next "worms", Trojans, viruses or hackers is not interesting to me. Yes, and earnings, again.

What areas of activity should be paid attention to a person who has decided to leave cybercrime in the "legal field"?

I would recommend paying attention to traffic arbitrage. As it is now customary to say, who owns traffic - he owns the world. And this is really true. Because even creating a cool online store is much easier than bringing customers to it. Today the market is full of offers, for example, from stores that offer you to bring customers for a generous commission on each sale, and if you have somewhere to get customers, you are guaranteed a comfortable existence. Traffic can be taken from different places: for example, create a public on social networks and promote it, and then offer some goods there or advertise specific stores or services, you can buy traffic cheaply in one place (for example, cheap "junk" traffic such as popunders and clickunder) and merge it on the offer of some store / site - the main thing is that it is monetized at the same time.I used to get traffic using email spam and send it to porn sites and casinos, but this is illegal, so now I bring clients to cashback services. If you don't know what cashback is, then this is a site that offers to return (really) some of the money from each of your online purchases. They also have coupons and promotional codes, so I'm sure that coupon sites, or, as they are also called, "promo codes", will soon die. Because why use only a coupon, if on the website of the cashback service you can use not only a coupon or a promotional code, but also get a cashback back. 6% - like on Aliexpress or Lamoda, or all 40% (this amount is usually returned from the sale of software, games, applications or domain and hosting for your website). Arbitration generally means that you take traffic cheaper in one place,than you get in the future from its sale or monetization in another way. By the way, only 10% of online shoppers know what cashback is. Therefore, work is an unplowed field.

Do you consider a career in cybersecurity a good opportunity for a hacker to step out of the shadows?

I don’t know, maybe for some technically competent specialist who doesn’t pretend to make a lot of money, this is also a good solution, but mostly top hackers prefer to do business after their release or continue their previous occupations.

You wrote the book How I Stole a Million, Confessions of a Repentant Carder. Are you planning to keep writing? And what projects are you currently working on?

I wrote the book, the reviews about it are quite good, it is easy to read, but I do not plan to write a sequel, I simply do not have time for this. And what should I write? I cannot imagine how Perumov does this masterfully, I can only describe what I experienced myself. The criminal period of my life is over, by writing a book I put a fat point in it, so if there will be a next book, it will only be when I earn one hundred million dollars, and now I do not consider myself entitled to advise someone. I really want to write a book about business, behind bars I read hundreds of books about business, biographies of great entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, and I want to write a book about how I embody everything that I learned and came up with myself and this ultimately led me to success, but, again, I will sit down to write it only when I earn this money.Maybe more, maybe less, but I'll earn. This is a kind of challenge for me. In the fall, my current book will be published in English in America, and then we'll see.

Now I am engaged in organizing the production of souvenir dollars and piggy banks together with my partner (look, quite interesting, there will still be a series with Donald Trump and even Vladimir Putin), and I still bring traffic to cashback services. I immediately brought clients to LetyShops, but now they worsened the terms of the affiliate program, and I got tired of the 0.1 cents cashbacks they pay me - and I switched to the relatively young service I get 50% of their income from each client I referred, about 2 dollars per year comes out from each, I have already brought more than 10 thousand, so I get about 20,000 dollars a year and I do not stop. What impresses is that the guys are constantly developing: they made a blog where they cover the latest news from the life of the service and useful new "chips" such as a loyalty system that allows you to get 30% more cashback over time, or a free parcel tracking service "Where is the parcel "... Also, an important aspect for me is that Secret Discounter is engaged in charity work - it pays 10% of its profits to proven charitable foundations, the same can be done by the company's clients. I myself am thinking of creating my own charitable foundation soon - I will transfer the right books and sports equipment to prisons and zones around the world. It will be called "Freedom Forever" (freedom forever).

R eye, I sometimes write in my blog, - to, so to speak, not to lose the sharpness of the pen.

Comparing the laws of different countries - which one is the most severe in relation to cybercrime? And vice versa.

If we take the criminal code separately, then the longest sentences for cybercrime in the United States of America. If in Belarus I was tried under an article providing for up to 15 years of imprisonment, in America they may well give me life imprisonment. BUT! If in America you agree to a deal with the investigation, give them the whole "alignment" (who wants to work, investigating your case for several years!), Do not create special problems for the investigators and make certain concessions (it is not necessary to "hand over" accomplices; on as much as your conscience allows), then in practice it turns out that you get much less than in the same Belarus. Not always, but most of the time. And sitting there is much better ... The softest, most often conditional,Cybercriminals receive sentences in Russia or Ukraine - due to the corruption of the law enforcement system and the judiciary.

Why are there so many cybercriminals in Russia and the countries of the former USSR, but the number of victims of their activities is not so large? Are there any ethical reasons for this? Or is it that the population of these countries is generally poorer?

Of course, the main targets of hackers and carders of all stripes have always been and will be the United States due to the large amount of money and the developed network infrastructure that can be hacked. In the countries of the former USSR, not only is there practically no money, but still not everything is computerized, until now many databases exist only in local networks (or even in folders in archives). This, on the one hand, is inconvenient for the very same workers of such backward structures, but, on the other hand, it saves from massive computer attacks like the latest sensational WannaCry and Petya.

There were ethical reasons before - even in my generation of cybercriminals, when we rarely stole from our own people for the reason:

a) lack of a lot of money
b) and also because our unfortunate people have already been robbed by the state more than once and continues to do this, if we will also ...

In general, I can state that today there are many more different ways to make money on the Internet (this is traffic arbitrage, and various start-up incubators and venture capital funds that help you bring your idea to life) than in my time, and you need to be the last fool. to steal on the Internet instead of earning much more on it. Legally.

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Carding 4 Carders

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Interview with carder in 2021​

– Hello! As it should be, introduce yourself. Tell me about yourself.

– I am an ordinary guy from a standard Russian town, just like everyone else, I study and live an unremarkable life. I do carding, specialize in digital goods, which brings the bulk of my income, occasionally drive in some things for myself and at the same time study a couple of areas in carding (working with banks, transfers).

– When did you master the carding niche? And why this particular direction?

– I came across this craft in January of this year. I think the reason is obvious, I had money and I didn't know where to properly invest it, the choice fell on carding. Why? After reading the public manuals, like everyone else, I thought: "Oh, there's a lot of money here", "Everything is quite simple", "I will definitely succeed and I will raise money just like that". Spoiler alert: That's not so. I immediately began to search for my future teacher, the choice fell on a person with a topic on flashing lights and a price tag of $ 150. Yes, the price is suspiciously low, but friends advised, I thought that everything would be good. Unfortunately, training myself in the first month did not pay off, I was in the red by $ 1000. This is by the way, if you found a teacher somewhere, then think about it several times before buying and check the person, read the reviews. I'll give you a little advice, you won't find really good training on forums/channels.

– I am very far from the topic of carding, can you describe how hard it is to spin in this craft?

– As for the complexity of carding, there is nothing much to say here. This is really difficult, and you will have to spend a lot of money, time and effort to achieve success, so be prepared for this. In the first few months, it was too hard for me, because I didn't have a proper mentor, and I had to learn, master, and test everything myself. Therefore, do not think that everything is easy and simple, for an income of at least $ 150 / day, you will have to sweat a lot.

– Since we're talking about numbers, let's talk about them?"

– That's the most important factor why many people come here – numbers. For a full nine-hour working day, I get paid $ 200-300 net, my record is $ 650 per day, if there is good material to work with. It costs about $4,000- $ 4,500 per month. The main disadvantage of carding at the initial stage, your success depends on several factors, it is the quality of materials for work(sellers), luck and personal skills, unfortunately, your "skill" here plays a small role. Therefore, in carding, you need to have connections, they play a very big role, for example, they can share some private seller, shop with you, or offer to join a promising topic, but it is extremely difficult to acquire them.

– As for security?" Is there a chance to fly far and for a long time?

– Many people mistakenly think that carding = 100% "bottle". In fact, this is not the case. If you stick to the minimum security measures, everything will be fine. For example, my referral is 100% safe, the authorities are simply not profitable to search for a person from Russia, if they stole$ 200-300, and if they want to, it will be very difficult, all devices for accessing the Internet are registered to "left" people and my trail is very confusing. It is too unprofitable to search for me, my search does not justify the losses from me, because there are characters much more interesting.

– As for the negative details?

– In addition to the high income and lack of dependence on the place of work, there are also negative aspects, which I do not advise newcomers to enter this niche. First, beginners are hindered by their own ideas about carding, and it is unacceptable for them to work all day for$ 30-40 net (as I did in the beginning). Carding from the very beginning carries a great psychological burden, because here, as in any activity, there are successful and unsuccessful days, it is difficult for beginners to understand that the main thing is distance, and not fleeting profit. For example, I had one student, who first encountered bad material, did not work out for a couple of days, and then dropped out for the reasons described above. Secondly, a person is simply lazy by nature. To earn a lot of money in carding, you need to work a lot, everything seems simple, but not everyone is ready to spend dozens of hours a week sitting at home with a laptop(and the plant is high for them). Third, there are a huge number of other white niches that you can enter with the same investment as in carding, so it's better to choose something white, but with less income.

– What are the pitfalls of carding?

– There are a lot of pitfalls, but they are encountered already in the process of carding, and for the average user, there are enough reasons above why you should not go into carding

– What does your standard daily routine look like?

"Nothing out of the ordinary, though. I get up at 9-10 in the morning, go about my business, closer to lunch I sit down at the laptop to work. In the process of working, I do some other things, and in the late afternoon I go to dinner and relax. Thus, 5 days a week pass, weekends are weekends. If you do not take into account that we are talking about carding, then this is like a normal working day for some freelancer.

– Have you encountered any serious problems? Or were there any funny situations?

– Yes, of course, the lost $ 1000 during training is a serious problem, because at that time it was the last money. But I have gained experience and this money has already paid off many times over. And all the rolls are more related to CH (card holders), because when working with logs in carding, you get all the information from the cardholder device, and we know that everyone has their own skeletons in the closet and sometimes they are very funny).

– Do I understand correctly that it is very difficult to enter the field of carding right now? Roughly speaking, only through connections?

– Yes, definitely, because carding is exactly the direction where it is more profitable to work yourself, rather than teach. And you can get really good training either through connections or for a very high price.

– What do you recommend for a newbie?

– If you really thought about everything several times and decided to go to carding, then do not dare to learn on your own, because the anti-fraud of payment systems is increasing and you will not find any chips in the public, and take the choice of a teacher with all responsibility, because your success depends on him for a good half. And best of all, drop the idea and go for white themes, fortunately, there are a lot of them now and they are not so difficult to master.

– Thank you for the interview, my friend!

– No problem, good luck!

P.S. "No system is safe!"


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Thank you very much, it was very interesting to read.
If journalists visit the forum, I will gladly give an interview and answer all your questions. I have been doing carding since 2003, I was registered on the carderplanet forum, I have a reputation in other proven forums, I have extensive experience in all areas. I have contacts with over 100 successful carders around the world. I always study the current methods and methods for successful work. I will share secrets and up-to-date information for free. I know all the subtleties and nuances of work. I am familiar with the administrator Golubov with the nickname "script" (the founder of the Internet Party of Ukraine) personally.


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Interview with a carder-cashier​


- Bonjour, why did you decide to give an interview to the carding forum?
Ecolipse: - Ahah, hi. Your signature bonjour always cheered me up before reading articles. First of all, I just want to share and acquaint people with this kind of action.

- "Even though I know what you do, tell Dakota."
Ecolipse: - I am Engaged in the fact that about two years ago I bought myself a "card reader" device, which can be said to stilled your money, namely all the data that will be transferred to pure plastic and will be used with bad intentions in the future. Every day is something new and interesting for me. I go to the robot with enthusiasm, everyone is surprised)

- "Two years?" I take it you're having a sweet time." Aren't you afraid of being caught?
Ecolipse: - I've only been doing this for 2 years, and I've been in this whole movement since I was born. I've already stopped being paranoid, today I'm sane.

"It wouldn't hurt to be paranoid at times like this." I take it your hands are clean all the time, money is "extracted" by drops for you?
Ecolipse: - Exactly.

- Tell us about your working day.
Ecolipse: - What kind of work are you Talking about? In General, everything starts at 9 o'clock, I am an ordinary inconspicuous salesman in a popular store, which you definitely look at at least once every 3 months. Those who pay with a card get into "trouble". Then I either launder money or look for drops, at the very beginning I asked the homeless person to ask the homeless person to ask the homeless person to withdraw money from the card. The scheme is one hundred percent (sorry, there are no emoticons, this is the place for fumes))

- You take the payer's card, insert it in your "reader" and voila. But what about the cameras? The store is not an easy one (soryan, I can't tell you the name of the store)
Ecolipse: - I previously worked here for a year, and rose to the position of sales consultant Manager. In General, I am very well trusted. Video on the cameras is saved for 48 hours, I have access to the cameras (remote too), at any time everything can disappear.

- In the style of Dudya, the question is, how many "collected"?
Ecolipse: - monthly salary is $ 1000, my profit is about $ 3000. (I won't get too impudent). During this time, I collected enough money for a car, a kopeck piece, and entertainment.

- Keep thinking "2 years" in your head. During this period, no one broke in to you with the words: "This motherfucker stole money from my card"/well, or just pre-ads/disassembly.
Ecolipse: - There were a Couple of such moments, one of which ended with camera views and even the arrival of garbage. Then I was already calculating how many years they would give me. But then it turned out that it wasn't my doing and it wasn't me who stolen money xD. I was very lucky. Although I was sure that I definitely did not have such a card, but my emotions were off the scale. Then, by the way, there was 1 time when I said that's all, I won't do this anymore. 2 times have not happened yet.

- Whatever you think. If, for example, I go to buy clothes in a popular store. Can the same thing happen to me?
Ecolipse: - Quite. And this will continue to happen until the store managers go through it. And they won't do anything. Just 2-3 years ago, none of them could even think about it, but now they are already flashing.

- Do you have any tips on this?
Ecolipse: - When you buy anything, even 0.5 Cola At a kiosk with a terminal, be very careful. Use passport more often)

- By the way, have you heard about the device that makes money from the map at a distance thanks to the paper?)
Ecolipse: - Yes, it is already coming to me, I will test it)

- Okay, thanks. I'm certainly not a journalist, it turned out something like this)) What would I say in the end?
Ecolipse: - Thank You, I will say that all dark themes are now becoming fashionable, and the main thing is that ordinary people should not enter it. I've known a lot of these guys who have very big problems right now. In General, read Darkstep, pay more attention to your "security".
This was the end of the interview, I think it gave you another 1 coin of information in your piggy Bank. Now you should be very careful and vigilant. Good luck to all ;)


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Interview with a professioanl carder​


– What happened in your life that made you go to the black market? After all, you need an acute cache shortage to go for this.
Of course, this is a lack of money. We lived with my stepfather, who constantly spared money for food for the family, but at the same time drank thousands of dollars a month. In the 1990s, it was a lot of money. In addition, I got a computer and Internet early, and I earned money legally-mostly by reselling something through Bulletin boards on the Internet. Then I accidentally saw an ad for cardboard on one of them, quickly realized that it could buy something in a Western store, and my brother randomly drove a credit card into some music store and it miraculously passed.

– How did you manage such huge sums? What did you spend it on? Did you invest them in something back then?
They were not immediately huge. In the first year of my criminal career (and I was then 15 years old) I was engaged in small things, I was more involved in the topic, and this brought me an income of about $ 200-300 a month. With the first money, I remember buying a pager (mobile phones cost several thousand dollars at that time). that Is, from the age of 15 to 18, I did carding from time to time. It was possible to steal something – well, good.
I started earning normal money ($3-5 thousand) only at the age of 18, after I learned about "real plastic". Immediately, my drops were bought up by various staff in stores around the world (on which we all slept, also in my book), and then I established connections with very strong hackers and was mainly engaged in selling/reselling dumps. Here, the profitability of my work was already thousands of percent, and by the age of 21 I was earning 100k a month. Quite often, I also got my hands on dumps with pins that we successfully filled in different countries.
I spent most of my money clumsily: on clothes, restaurants, cars, alcohol, cigars, Nightclubs, and whores. I invested something, of course, but in 90% of cases it was unsuccessful.

– What kind of carding did you do? What security measures did you take?
I started with a "stuff carding" business, then selling credit card numbers, hacked eBay accounts, dumps, ready-made credit cards, equipment for making plastic cards, portable card readers, fake documents, and cashed dumps with pins.
Regarding security measures… They are standard for that time: the use of socks/proxy / VPN and encryption programs like BestCrypt, DriveCrypt and TrueCrypt. But, as you know, this did not save me: all the dumb information on the hard drives was encrypted, and my brother had the same password for the bat mail program as on one of my encrypted disks. The human factor.... So don't put the same password on multiple disks or services on the Internet.

– What and how were you caught? Did they beat out the sincere?
Some of my drops were burned while shopping in a store with "real plastic", passed me, and then it went-went. The case was aggravated by the opened disks from my computer.
They didn't beat out the truth, and in General, they were very soft on it: in computer crimes, your confession is not as important as the evidence base actually collected. And do not console yourself with the thought that there is no direct evidence against you, only indirect: the court always evaluates the evidence in its entirety.
I also highly recommend not to engage in carding and hacking in Belarus – they are highly savvy (I put them on the second place in the world after the American FBI and Secret Service), the terms of the criminal code are long (up to 15 years), and it is almost impossible to solve the issue for loot. Will you sit down for a long time…
The second time I sat myself down, it was all my own fault. I won't go into detail, because it was all very illogical and stupid, after reading about it in my book, you can say that I am a complete sucker and a loser, but I think this situation can happen to anyone: you never know how you will behave in an extreme situation. I strongly advise you to read the book: not because I don't have enough money and I want to make money on its sale :), but because it will help you to protect yourself from many mistakes… Well, or at least prepare for prison. God forbid :)

– Are there any problems now because of the past?
I would love to say no, but I do have one. Despite the fact that I served 10 years for my crimes, the United States still believes that I must answer for everything on their territory, and the fact that I did not cause damage to Belarusian citizens or companies for 10 years does not concern the amerovs. This is a kind of gap in international law, and now I'm thinking about how to promote it at the international level, since I don't want to spend my whole life in the CIS.

– How do you feel about money? Are they happy?
Happiness is not in them at all, money is only a tool for achieving goals. Happiness, I believe, lies in realizing your full potential, unlocking all the talents you have, and making our planet and people's lives better. As jobs used to say, "take the world to new heights". And all these wars, inequality, and so on are fucking throwing humanity back. Therefore, even though I am now engaged in business, but this measure is forced, more than anything else in the world, I want to implement one educational project that should make the world a better place. And money is only a means to this end.

– How were you treated in prison? What characters and for what offenses were you imprisoned? Tell us about the most interesting ones.
Oh, I was having fun. Sometimes sad, but generally fun. There were a lot of murderers, drug dealers (and more just small drug addicts, but according to the Belarusian criminal code, unfortunately, they are all "drug dealers"). Murderers are generally boneless, and there's not much to talk about with them. There was one cool hijacker, there was an interesting "burglar", there was even a chechen accused of murdering the editor of the Russian "Forbes" Paul Khlebnikov, with whom we became friends and then met several times in Moscow, there were big businessmen and bandits.
They treated me mostly well. Behind bars, the most important thing is not how much money you have or who your dad is, but your human qualities: the ability to keep your own word, and keep your mouth shut. Mutual assistance is also important: if you try to help everyone, then many people help you.

– Is carding relevant at the moment, or are there any other, more profitable options? What do you think?
Relevant, of course, look at how many participants are registered in all Russian-language card forums. Don't know? I know, more than 1.5 million. In my time, a forum with 6K participants was considered the largest, but now the account goes to millions. Of course, the same people are registered on many forums, but there are 100-150 thousand active cybercriminals in the CIS.
I've changed from carding to arbitrage: I bring clients to the cashback service and I don't really care. I have enough, quite enough. Here you can read about their affiliate program. In General, arbitration, in case you don't know, is when you take traffic cheaper in one place than you then merge it to some offer that feeds you for years. Half of the CIS arbitrageurs sell discount-free Monastic tea and other "Bacteforts", but this is not my way – I don't want to deceive people (mostly pensioners) by selling them placebos.
In General, of course, I'm not your mother to teach you, and you won't listen, but if you suddenly managed to earn a couple of tens of thousands of dollars on carding, then leave this matter and "saw" some startup of your own on the Internet. The $30k invested in the creation of Vkontakte at the time turned out to be $ 700 million.

– Do you see any prospects in the CIS? Or would he move out if possible?
Of course, there are prospects for individual CIS countries, but in Russia or Belarus they are extremely vague. If I had the opportunity, I would certainly move out: I want to live in Switzerland, England, Holland or, at the very least, Sweden in all these countries, people are a hundred years ahead of us in their development (not mental, otherwise you will throw tomatoes at me now, but human: that is, how they treat private property, criminals, the weak, the sick, refugees, abandoned animals, the elderly, charity, etc.)

– They often ask questions on the forum: "will I get something If I drove in 1k, 5k, 10k, etc. from my account?" Up to what amounts can I not worry about the police?
This is a good question, but there can be no definitive answer. Someone will not write a statement for 5K dollars, and someone will run out of principle for a dollar. I don't know if it's better not to do anything from your account at all, and certainly not to stir up anything against America, which I've already written about more than once in my blog.

– What life advice would you give guys?
Giving advice is generally not a very grateful thing, especially since I have already touched on this topic above, so read more (business books and business magazines like Forbes, Kommersant.Money, "the Secret of the Company"), steal less and think more in the direction of some startup of your own. Well, use a VPN, secret chats in telegram, Tor, toad and condoms :)


Reaction score
Some kind of scared people are these carders. You knock on their cart, offer to conduct an interview, explain that you don't care about private information, that you just want to talk "for life". So no, they are tightly frozen. After all, I might be dreaming and seeing how to put everyone on the bunks.

In short, my nerves were pretty much ruined. But the world is not without good people. Two people responded to my offer (real names and nicknames, of course, are not published-editor's note).

XS: How long have you been carding? Tell us about how and why you got involved in this? What was the first case you did? dos: I was seriously engaged in clothing carding for about a year, 4 months ago I quit. The first thing that was sent was a simple digital camera. I was happy then, like an elephant. In general, I didn't intend to become a carder, I just knew that there were such people. But somehow a friend pointed me to one of the carder forums. First I read it out of curiosity, then I decided to give it a try.

XS: How seriously do you care about your privacy? For example, do you change apartments for conspiracy purposes? Do you trust private information to trusted people? dos: Only paranoid people change apartments. I trust the info. It is much more important not to talk about your occupation right and left to all your friends and acquaintances.

VG: It is enough to understand what you are doing and how it can affect your future. For example, this interview... In my opinion, it turned out to be a good reflection out loud about nothing. For me, there are no proven and unverified people. There are friends, and there are those with whom I have only business contacts.

XS: In your opinion, carding is definitely theft or a passion for knowledge about the structure of payment systems? Carding is theft that is not explicitly directed against a person. Losses from carders are suffered by banks and online stores, but not by specific people.

VG: I didn't invent the term. And the person who came up with it gave a specific explanation for it. Carding - fraud with credit cards and everything related to them (which is why everyone who was tried for carding was tried under the article for fraud, and not for theft).

XS: Do you have a legal job? If so, tell us about it, if not-why don't you get a job, and who would you rather work for? dos: I'm a first-year student at a university. In the future, the work will be related to information security. It is quite possible that the information will have to be protected from the same carders.

VG: Legal or hired? There is a legal one, but there was a hired one (when you work in a certain company), even a few, but... In general, I will be happy to find a job when our country starts paying for work properly, and not at $ 800-1500 a month for 10-hour employment. At the same time, your boss drives new six hundredths and sevens every day, and his son, who works with you, but on a 2-hour daily schedule and 2-3 days a week out of five, receives $ 5,000. And then "for ice cream". I would prefer to work in one of the special agencies. For example, with the letter F.

XS: How difficult is it to be a carder now? What knowledge and qualities do you need to have in the first place? What are the specifics of modern cardmaking, and has anything changed in comparison with previous years? dos: Carding isn't going through the best of times right now. Knowledge depends on the direction of carding. If this is the Internet, then you need to be able to organize protection and anonymity well. If this is real carding, then NLP techniques and charm are very useful

VG: Nothing has changed. Carding has always been an occupation for morons. This is not hacking, where you need knowledge in the field of operating systems and programming. You don't need to have any specialized knowledge in cardmaking. Most of the "current" carders are very stupid people who don't know how to do ANYTHING other than steal something somewhere.

XS: What are the most popular cardmaking methods right now? Which ones are considered the most professional (requiring high qualifications)? dos: The most popular method does not exist, everyone earns as much as they can. The most professional ones are probably hacking bank data transmission channels and various encryption algorithms for electronic signatures.

VG: The most popular ones are probably auctions. Because they require a minimum of knowledge. More precisely, they do not require them at all. The most professional, most likely, plastic. In it, at least you need to understand the device and the algorithm of operation.

XS: What do you think is the ratio of serious carders (people who are deeply studying new money payment systems and implementing their own ways to bypass security) to guys who are looking for easy bread with minimal time spent? dos: A huge number of people revolve around carding, but only one percent of them actually do something. There is no easy bread in carding in principle. Maybe in 1997 it was possible to fuck something without bothering to study the topic, but not now.

VG: There are very few experienced people now. 70%, if not more-a scam that stupidly makes copy/paste information from some text engine paypal.txt go to the web browser. Yes, they may know all the settings and features of accounts in this payment system, but I personally do not consider this a serious knowledge of carding, since most users who use the system legally know all this.

XS: Do you think carding has a "narcotic effect"? Is there an addiction to easy money, and how serious is it? dos: There is something like that. Somehow, with a temperature of 40, I couldn't move away from the computer, because it was working very well.

VG: It has the effect of realizing what a mess we live in in our country and how absurd and insignificant life is here. Although everyone is different. Here, again, it all depends on the person himself. For some, this is nothing more than a game, the goal of which is to do something nasty to another.

XS: How actively are law enforcement agencies fighting carders now? How well do they do it? What organizations deal with card issues? Why do carders usually get caught? dos: They are struggling, and they are doing very well. The FBI does this together with the banks. About once every six months they organize raids. Carders are caught because of their carelessness, as well as because of the setup.

VG: In my opinion, there is no activity on their part at all. It's not like idiots work there either. They understand that it makes no sense for them to spend their energy, time, and money trying to "save" citizens of the United States (or any other country). Do the work that the foreign police should do. Although the scumbags who are trying to throw here ( on the territory of Russia) are being fought with them. But there are very few of them, in my opinion. They are mainly dealt with by the internal security service of a particular bank.

XS: Did you personally have any problems with cops? If so, tell us how you got caught and why. How did it end? dos: I didn't have any problems. But there was a case when I spent the whole evening carding, and then I noticed that I was working without a proxy server. That means I could potentially be tracked down without any problems. Then I walked the streets for a week, looking around. I always felt like I was being watched.

VG: Me? Problems? What are you talking about? I am a law-abiding citizen and pay my taxes fairly.

XS: What are the basic rules that every carder should know (if they don't want to be pinned down)? dos: It is necessary to maintain anonymity. Work with people you trust. And don't talk too much about what a cool carder you are.

VG: The same as the hacker: don't share your IP, don't share your data. Simply put, make sure that the evidence of your involvement in any case was as little as possible. Or not at all.

XS: Are there any professional teams in Russia that have a monthly turnover of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars from carding? dos: Exist. I won't name them, of course. Such teams are usually called families. But they cannot be called purely Russian, since they are dispersed all over the world.

VG: Watch the news on T-v, they've been telling you a lot about them lately.

XS: Is it now possible to put on shoes with the help of carding for a huge amount at a time? Say, ten million bucks? How is this possible in general terms? dos: It is possible, but very, very difficult. You can, for example, get into the banking network without anyone noticing, and transfer money from several accounts to your own. Then you need to withdraw money from the account before the bank sees through anything, and get out to some island in the Pacific Ocean.

VG: Although the definition of cardmaking is still "credit card fraud," it's actually a broader topic right now. It was joined by such areas as fraud with accounts in different payment systems (PAYPAL, for example). Due to the development of Internet technologies and electronic payments, it is possible to" put on shoes " for 100 million, but then it will no longer be carding, but hacking. Or as it is officially called in the US - identity theft.

XS: Tell us, what are the most sophisticated methods of protection used in credit cards right now? And in general terms, the ways to bypass them used by carders. dos: Yes, as such, there are no new ways. Visa, for example, recently took and dramatically reduced the percentage of unverified transactions, because of this, many billing services were closed, and carders lost another opportunity to earn money.

VG: The principle of operation of all credit cards is the same. And in relation to the network, you can't talk about ways to protect the cards themselves. Here they no longer play any role. Another thing is how to protect the transfer and storage of information from these cards on the Internet. And these methods, as practice shows, are complete bullshit... Since now 80% (or even 90%) of all carder cases are carried out via the Internet, everything revolves around the theft of information from the Internet. And here everything is as usual...

XS: Does carding in Russia differ from carding in other countries? For example, in America? Maybe it has its own specifics. dos: Every American is born worrying about his credit history, which records all major purchases, etc. If a person is involved in something bad, it will immediately affect his credit history. And then they won't give him a loan, they won't hire him. Therefore, most American carders are emigrants from the CIS.

VG: Yeah, it's different. It is dominated by Negroes

XS: Is there a carder "scene" as such? Does the carders community have its own stars and legendary personalities? How developed and large is the carder community? dos: Of course there is. I won't mention any names. It's hard to evaluate the entire carder community. I think there are several thousand people in Russia.

VG: There was a boy who told about it in your magazine a year or two ago.

XS: Which sites/IRC channels are central for carders? Where do really knowledgeable people gather? What are the most valuable online resources on the topic of cardmaking in your opinion?

VG: Decent people don't gather on websites or thematic carding forum - we've already written about it. Those who are interested in carding can apply there.

XS: Which countries in the world (and in the CIS) are the leaders in card activity? Is there any dependence, for example, on the general standard of living? dos: In the world: Russia, America. In the CIS: Russia, Ukraine. There is no dependency because all the money that carders receive is distributed within a small group.

VG: In the world-Indonesia as well as the countries of the former socialist camp. In the CIS - Ukraine, Russia, and the Baltic States.

XS: How do you see carding in ten years? Where do you think everything is going? dos: In ten years, imho, credit cards will finally disappear. But there will undoubtedly be people who will engage in electronic fraud with cash flows. As carding exists now, everything is moving towards the decline of carding.

VG: With the development of wireless technologies and payment technologies based on this, as well as technologies for "physical" payment by card via the Internet (when you need to insert your own or someone else's card to make a payment on the site add your card to a card reader connected to your computer and enter a few PIN codes), carding will turn into something between phreaking and hacking. You will have to steal the information, and then apply it by emulating it through some device.

XS: What would you recommend to guys who don't know what carding is and how it works, but want easy money, want to become carders? dos: The main thing is not to hope that the money will immediately flow like a river. Carding is a very difficult task. To get started, you just need to start hanging out on the card forums, delve into the topic, and ask questions. After a while, perhaps, some work will turn up. Or you'll find that your knowledge is already sufficient for carding.

VG: Easy money is rare. Therefore, if you want a good and human life, study, get high-quality professional knowledge and leave here. In general, I didn't intend to become a carder, I just knew that there were such people. But somehow a friend pointed me to one of the carder forums. First I read it out of curiosity, then I decided to give it a try. I used my own money to buy information about several credit cards, and there we go.


Reaction score
According to Wikipedia, carding is a type of fraud in which an operation is performed using a payment card or its details, which is not initiated or confirmed by its holder. Simply put, a carder is a fraudster who specializes in withdrawing money from other people's credit cards.

Methods for obtaining data on a particular card are very different, but the most popular is phishing. Internet benders create a site similar to, for example, the site of your bank, and you, getting there and suspecting nothing, open up access to confidential information to fraudsters yourself.

Shopfans employees also know what carding is, and they know it firsthand. In this case, we are talking about the so-called clothing carding, when a certain customer places an order for goods in online stores in the United States using someone else's credit cards in order to sell it later in their own country. The very first blocked carder clients from Shopfans were Brad Horrock (suite 41) and Yulia Kishkovich (suite 61), who registered on the site in 2010, just a couple of months after the official opening of the company.

Since then, their ranks have been replenished with a wide variety of characters. Among the most memorable are the persistent Korakhanov brothers from Kimr, Emil Gyurzaliev, who messed up the brain of our precinct officer, Harry Portnoy, a gadget lover, the multi-faceted Sergey Zorochkin, comrades Cousins (we don't know how many of them there were), the skilled Skvortsof&co and their endless drills, and many others.

Soon all of them merged into one continuous stream of "my partner paid", "here you are, I read reviews about you" and we stopped distinguishing them. Some of them cursed us, some of them ruined the site, some of them made us laugh by sending photos of their aunt from Wisconsin in the person of Margaret Thatcher, or in broken English they pretended to be an American startup, and some of them quietly gave up. They taught us how to be friends with the police and the FBI, help sellers on Ebay and cooperate with the mail. And finally, we started talking to them.

So, meet our old-timer, Pavel, who is also Valentina and others. With Shopfans for a long time. This is confirmed by our statistics.

Registration date of the oldest Shopfans account-March, 2011
Average parcel weight - 20 kg
The average cost of one parcel is 1000+
Number of sent packages - 500+
The number of blocks from Shopfans is 4,
the last one after a bunch of letters from the bank to different American names.

Next, a blitz with Pavel:

Shopfans: How long have you been a customer?

Pavel: The account that you have currently blocked is the oldest one. It turns out to be 4 years old…

Shopfans: Strange, I thought that Irina's account, where your name also appears, is older…

Pavel: Irina Bely's account, she's sleeping. After I started working from my account, we only ordered Amazon for Irina's account.

Shopfans: So, how many accounts do you have on our site?

Pavel: Pavel, Irina, Valentina, and a few more one-time ones, up to 10 pieces that I don't follow. On a permanent basis, only three accounts were used.

Shopfans: What are the purposes of creating one-time accounts?

Pavel: They were created for Amazon so that all products are not sent to one suite.

Shopfans: Do you remember the first package? What was in it?

Pavel: To be honest, no.

Shopfans: Were there any memorable messages?

Pavel: Almost everything is the same: vacuum cleaners-clothes, clothes-vacuum cleaners, nothing memorable:)

Shopfans: Who are you by profession? Your lawyer.

Pavel: 30 years old, engineer, automotive industry.

Shopfans: How long ago did you start doing this? Were there any doubts-difficulties?

Pavel: About 5 years already. I'm not a hacker from the movies, I have a regular trade. My first difficulties started only when you started blocking my accounts. And before that, there were problems only with hacked shipping labels, where you could send a parcel for free.

Shopfans: What kind of labels are these?

Pavel: Previously, you could buy prepaid international shipping labels on the forums. Now there are U-turns on them and they do not reach the Russian Federation.

Shopfans: To be honest, I still don't understand how you decided to do this…

Pavel: We had a joint venture and 2 online stores in Moscow, and we were constantly looking for suppliers of goods, as well as options for how to reduce costs. Soon the labels offered it to us. It was immediately clear that such discounts do not happen at the USPS, and we began to dig deeper. When we figured it out, we came to the conclusion: it doesn't matter who you buy from, the main thing is not to order anything yourself.

Shopfans: Who were your teachers or are you self-taught?

Pavel: There were no teachers.

Shopfans: Many people equate online carding with theft. How do you justify your activities: hatred of the United States and its sanctions, all means are good to replenish your fortune, maybe you once a week wash away your "sins" or for you it is a common process, like brushing your teeth or having breakfast and therefore there is nothing to justify yourself?

Pavel: I don't order anything myself, I buy from those who have their own dropshippers, so in principle I don't worry about this.

Shopfans: Do your relatives know what you do? Mom-dad-favorite in the know?:)

Pavel: Yes.

Shopfans: Tell us who pays for your purchases today? You are not interested in paying for the shipment on our website, but in paying for purchases in US stores. If possible, please outline all the schemes involved:)

Pavel: I have no idea who pays for them, I work on volume. My task is to buy the maximum amount of goods and transport them to the Russian Federation, even if with a lower profit from one unit. That's why I buy the product at the last stage, and don't order it myself from stores.

Shopfans: How do you easily manage to clear parcels with gadgets that you declare with common phrases a la clothing and the number of 25?

Pavel: I have contacts at customs.

Shopfans: How do you pay off "your" customs officers? Do you give them a certain percentage?

Pavel: Payment is made for each parcel separately.

Shopfans: Numerous letters from banks to your suite number and American names how do you explain?

Pavel: With a high degree of probability, these are orders from a person who took money from me, but the product was sent to me not from dropshippers, but directly from the store. If the name on the parcel matches mine, then the cards are virtual, and I don't see any other options. We need to look at invoices. In general, I do not do such nonsense, you know, because of this, it makes no sense for me to destroy what works well.

Shopfans: The names aren't yours, just your suite number. There are about 5 names. The amounts appear at 20 thousand dollars each. After such a puncture, did you give your "partners" a cap? How did they explain it?

Pavel: As I said, it was necessary to immediately understand, study invoices for orders that came in at that time. I didn't give anyone a hat, because it took some time to figure out what was going on.

Shopfans: Which stores are popular with your brother and why?

Pavel: Personally, I order a certain product: clothes, vacuum cleaners, consoles, navigators. Therefore, I often receive orders from such stores as Cabelas, Carter's, Walmart, Sears, Newegg.

Shopfans: Previously, it was almost impossible to split Amazon to send you a fraudulent order. How did you learn to work around this?

Pavel: I paid for Amazon with giftcards, and I have a 3-year order history with them. We use the same account for Joint Purchases. Accordingly, over 3 years, thousands of orders were issued for 10-15 dollars. I think that's why they calmly sent everything.

Shopfans: Let's take a look at Amazon giftcards in more detail. How does it work?

Pavel: There are several schemes. I'll try to briefly outline the main ones: а. Someone pays for giftcards with other people's credit cards or PayPal cards directly on Amazon. However, this only applies to one order per address. Amazon quickly monitors this and, if necessary, cancels the order and blocks the address. If a person in a suite has 2 or 3 orders from Amazon, then most likely a different scheme is involved.

б. So-called rewards programs. The seller sells the stolen card with online access to the buyer, logs in to the account before selling it to check whether the password has been changed, and at the same time buys giftcards with the accumulated points. From this point on, they earn at least as much as by selling the cards themselves. You can be skeptical about this, but this is a real fact. Also, some giftcards are purchased on rewords from sites similar to Ebates. 2000 accounts with a balance of 25 bucks each - this is 50 thousand dollars.

Shopfans: Yes, but people who register on sites like Ebates keep track of all their receipts… This is not the category of users who don't know how much they spent and how much cashback they should get back…

Pavel: Yes, they are being monitored, but very few people have a mechanism for returning money to a gift card, which makes this kind of scheme easier. Also in my memory, there were a couple of cases when people got access to a higher level, i.e. not to the user account of the affiliate program, but to the business account of the affiliate program itself - that is, to the account of the company that provides everyone with gift cards.

B. The third scheme is a regular scam. Most often, this is a left-hand site that sells something very cheap. Getting to such a site is fraught with a screen lock and subsequent extortion. The owners of a scam site send out viruses that block the computer of the "buyer", and in order for unblocking to occur, they require you to forward the payment: this can be prepaid vouchers from such payment systems as ukash, greendot, gift cards from stores, in general, everything where in order to spend money, you only need a number and pin.

G. TurboTax. This is a company that annually prepares tax documents for American citizens. If the declarant is entitled to a tax refund, they could make it using an Amazon gift card. Previously, they had ads right on the main page, but now, I see, they have removed, apparently, closed this case.

D. Cash out. The dropshipper is transferred the stolen money to the account, he withdraws it, but does not send it further to the CIS, but buys giftcards with it and transfers the numbers and pins to the person who transferred the money to him. This is used quite often, because Western Union looks very closely at transfers from the United States to Russia and blocks many things.

E. The so-called scam from brides, it is not popular, but, nevertheless, someone probably does it. On dating sites, some people under the guise of beautiful but poor girls promote European Americans for gifts: tickets to America, giftcards, etc.

Shopfans: It's not very clear about cash withdrawal…

Pavel: Someone takes the dropshipper's address and orders electronics from carded cards to his address, and someone takes the dropshipper's bank account number and transfers money to him from someone else's account. Then the question arises how to get money from a dropshipper… In this case, giftcards are a fairly secure and, above all, anonymous option.

Shopfans: What is the average monthly salary of a person who trades in carding?

Pavel: I can't say for everyone, but I think that at least 3 thousand dollars.

Shopfans: On the carder forum, we saw several points of advice for beginners, one of which was "Always pay with hard money". Do you think so too? Were there any attempts to pay for our services with other money than your own? How did they end?

Pavel: As I said earlier, there is no point in breaking something that works well because of the savings of 20 bucks. I only paid for it with my own money.

Shopfans: Who is a successful carder? Please describe it. If you don't like the word "carder", replace it.

Pavel: This is how they earn money, and not work for an idea, because the successful one is the one who earns well.

Shopfans: You often received rocks and water bottles instead of packages with the latest phone models. Why?

Pavel: In fact, very rarely, because I don't buy phones, or rather, probably, because I don't buy them:) They are stolen from us at airports, and dropshippers are not always honest.

Shopfans: Decipher who dropshippers are for those who don't know:)

Pavel: Fake people who are used to receive orders to their address in the United States. They also subsequently forward orders to the forwarder's address.

Shopfans: What private forums do you attend?

Pavel: CSU and

Shopfans: How many Shopfans clients have you personally corresponded with? How do you reincarnate or do you not put too much effort into it and use the same style everywhere?

Pavel: The only thing I keep track of is myself. I can also use transliteration for a change:)

Shopfans: What level of English is required in order to engage in this activity?

Pavel: I don't need anything at all, except for the minimal basics. The fact is that everyone who sells me goods speaks Russian.

Shopfans: Do you have partners in the United States? If so, what is their role?

Pavel: There are partners, but, as I said, they are not in the United States. In the United States, only dropshippers, and partners, they are also sellers, manage them.

Shopfans: Where do you find those who have their own dropshippers?

Pavel: Generally on the forums, but I haven't been looking for anyone for a long time. For 4 years, I have been working mostly with the same suppliers. From time to time, someone appears, someone disappears. They appear on the recommendation of those with whom I already work, I don't know where they disappear, but the backbone of 4-5 Russian-speaking sellers does not change.

Shopfans: Gift cards with what % discount do you buy? Do they have the same "partners" or are they different schemes?

Pavel: 35-40% discount from the nominal value, I buy from other people.

Shopfans: Did you say that you can pass those of your own kind, but only “those who are worse than you”? I will say right away that we are not interested in this, but I am curious where would you get the data from? Did you voice your one-time accounts or what?

Pavel: Several times I had a situation when the supplier said that the order was sent to me, and your support service reported that it was in a different suite. Later it turned out that the order was sent to another customer. Also, from time to time there are offers to pick up goods from the warehouse.

Shopfans: Pick up from the warehouse?…

Pavel: For example, there is a person who has available orders that the dropshipper has already received, but for some reason there is no one to send them to. Then he registers with the forwarder and sends free orders to the address of the forvader and in parallel on the forums gives an ad a la "I will sell a vacuum cleaner, lies on shopfanse \ shipito\mist" .

Shopfans: Does the fact that the FBI usually doesn't investigate such cases give you a free hand?

Pavel: I don't care about that at all.

Shopfans: Carder's dictionary. Name a couple of terms that you most often use.

Pavel: Proxies and gifts.