Recent content by Piratehobo

  1. P

    Beware of, I've been scammed on there big time

    Hi guys, Just to let you know in case you have wondered about cybercarders. Su They are all a scam, especially their trusted seller Alpha, after I transfered him btc I was blocked and couldn't enter with my username, when created new one, it was also blocked. Stay away
  2. P

    Need a cash out partner 50/50 split UK cc only

    I get them through work so they are sourced by me
  3. P

    Need a cash out partner 50/50 split UK cc only

    I have a valid supply of cc and Debit and urgently need a partner who can help me cash out quickly. I'll split whatever we get 50/50. Preferably someone who has all the tools and know how to do it properly